Turkish for Beginners A1

Turkish for Beginners A1


Course Duration: 12 weeks, 6 hours per week
Days: 3 days a week
Total hours: 72 hours

SKU 000017 Category Tags , , , , ,

Turkish A1

Learn the basics of Turkish, from the ABC to writing short sentences and short paragraphs. Start building a solid background in Turkish.


Learning Objectives

By the end of this course, the learner can:
•  introduce themselves and their immediate surroundings.
• say the names, customs, and colors of the things in their immediate surroundings.
• express numbers.
• ask and tell the time.
• construct simple noun phrases.
• form sentences with the present tense.
• express what they did in the past tense.
• make comparative sentences.


Greetings and getting to know you; Family, home, and accommodation; Daily topics, time, asking about the prices, and when and where; Neighborhood and future plans; Jobs and hobbies, Transportation and the weather; Communication: the phone, the internet, and face to face; Weekends, special days and holidays.


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